Long, long ago, on an island in the sea, lived a family of seven siste การแปล - Long, long ago, on an island in the sea, lived a family of seven siste คลิงออน วิธีการพูด

Long, long ago, on an island in the

Long, long ago, on an island in the sea, lived a family of seven sisters. The
oldest girl ruled the household, and her sisters obeyed her commands. Flora,
the youngest sister, was sent to the forest each day, to gather wood for the
kitchen fire.
Near the edge of the forest was a cave under some rocks. A stream of water
fell over the rocks into a basin in the cave.
This was a delightfully cool spot, and Flora often rested here on her way home
after gathering wood in the forest. She would lie on the mossy bank of the
stream, for hours, and dream.
One morning as Flora ran along the grassy path that led to the cave, she saw
a little fish in the stream. Its scales flashed out all the colors of the rainbow.
"I am going to keep the fish for a pet," said the girl to herself. "I will call him
So she caught the pretty fish and put him into the basin in the cave.
The next day Flora went to the forest for wood. She carried some crumbs of
bread which she had saved from her breakfast.
On the way home she stopped at the cave. The fish was waiting for her. He
came to the edge of the basin, and she fed the crumbs to him.
How delighted the girl was! She had been so lonely, and now she had a
Every morning, instead of eating the bread which her sister gave to her, Flora
would save it and feed the crumbs to her pet. The fish would leap to catch
"Here are some crumbs, Rainbow," she would say. "This is all to-day, but I
shall come again to-morrow.
Then she would sing a little song.
Flora began to grow thin, and her sisters wondered what could be the matter.
One day the oldest sister followed her to the cave and saw her feed the
crumbs of bread to the fish.
While Flora was away in the forest, the oldest sister caught the fish, carried
him home and baked him for supper.
The bones were buried under the kitchen fire.
The next morning, Flora went to the cave as usual, but no fish was there. She
sang her little song, and still he did not come.
"Rainbow cannot be dead," she said, "for I do not see him in the water."
Then Flora hastened home. She threw herself upon her bed and was soon
fast asleep.
The following morning, a rooster flew up to Flora's window and crowed,
The bones of Rainbow wait for you,
Under the kitchen fire, too."
Flora arose at once and went downstairs. There, under the kitchen fire, she
found the bones of her pet. She wept as she gathered the bones and placed
them in a box.
She went to the forest and buried the box near the cave.
Then Flora sat down on a mossy bank near the cave and sang this song:
"Rainbow, Rainbow, hear my cry,
My great wish do not deny.
If you can't come back to me,
Pray, O pray, become a tree!"
As the last words of the song echoed through the cave, there sprang up
beside the girl a wonderful Fairy Tree.

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Its trunk was of ivory. Its leaves were of silver fringed with pearls. Its flowers
were gold, and its fruit gems from which sparkled the bright colors of the
One day the summer breeze carried a leaf from the Fairy Tree across the sea
to another island. It fell at the feet of the king.
He picked up the wonderful leaf, saying, "I shall never rest until I find the tree
from which this leaf came."
The king set sail with his attendants. He soon landed on the island where the
seven sisters lived.
As the king and his men were marching through the forest, they found the
Fairy Tree growing at the entrance to the cave.
The king tried to pick some of the leaves, but he could not.
Then he heard the sweet voice of a girl. She was singing,
"Rainbow, Rainbow, speak to me!
Bend your branches, Fairy Tree!"
And Flora came tripping along the grassy path that led to the cave.
The king said, "Fair maiden, if you can pick a leaf or a flower from this tree,
you shall be my queen."
As Flora reached to pick a flower, the tree bowed low, and every leaf trembled
with delight.
The maiden at once presented the flower to the king.
As he took the flower, the king exclaimed,
"To you belongs the Fairy Tree;
Pray be my bride and rule with me."
Flora thought she must be dreaming, but they were married next day, beneath
the branches of the Fairy Tree.
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ผลลัพธ์ (คลิงออน) 1: [สำเนา]
qaStaHvIS poH nI', qaStaHvIS, ben law' island ngengDaq, yIn qorDu' Soch be'nI'wI' neH. . ra' lob household be'nI' je Dache'taHvIS oldest be'Hom. flora. ngeH be'nI'wI' youngest ngem Hoch jaj Sor Hap nejqangqa' ghaH qul kitchen. DaSum HeH ngem DIS bopummeH 'op nagh. bIQ stream moDlaw' "rIn 'emvo' yItungHa', qaH QaQ neH DIS nagh vaj basin. delightfully cool chaDo'maq, 'ej pIj bertlham flora naDev mIw juH Dachegh qaSpu'DI' ngem Sor ghom. liene beyIl'e' mossy SovmoH stream, rep 'ej yachtaHvIS. wa' po Hoch qet flora along grassy path 'e' Dev DIS, legh ghaH pa' stream loQ bIQHa'DIbaH. flashed ghISDen rainbow Hoch colors. "vIjaH yach bIQHa'DIbaH pol," jatlh be'Hom. "ghaHvaD pong jIH rainbow. " vaj bIQHa'DIbaH pretty 'ej caught ghaH ghaHvaD vaj basin 'emvo' yItungHa', qaH QaQ neH DIS. jaj veb vIwovrupmoH flora Sor Hap ngem. 'op crumbs qeng ghaH tIr ngogh jIHMej pol, 'ej ghaH vo' nIQ. HeDaq juH Dachegh mev ghaH legh DIS. loS bIQHa'DIbaH ghaH. ghaH came basin HeH 'emvo' yItungHa', qaH QaQ 'ej crumbs je' ghaH ghaH. chay' be'Hom delight! ghaH vaj mobwI', 'ej DaH ghaj ghaH playfellow! Hoch po Sop tIr ngogh baS nob be'nI' ghaH, flora 'oH 'ej crumbs yach je' pol. Sup bIQHa'DIbaH catch bo. "naDev 'op crumbs, Rainbow," jatlh ghaH. "pagh potlh luta'-jaj, 'ach vaj Ha' jatlhqa' wa'leS.vaj loQ bom bom ghaH. HoSchoH lang tagh flora 'ej laH qay' nuq, qatlh SIv be'nI'. wa' jaj ghaH tlha' DIS 'ej ghaH je' be'nI' oldest Qo'noS crumbs tIr ngogh bIQHa'DIbaH. wa'vatlh flora yIDoH neH ngem, bIQHa'DIbaH, qeng caught oldest be'nI'wI' juH 'ej ghaHvaD meQmo' supper ghaH. mol Hom bopummeH kitchen qul. po veb ghoS flora DIS law' usua 'ach pagh bIQHa'DIbaH tu'lu'. ghaH loQ bom tIbom 'ej reH wej chol ghaH. "rainbow pagh Heghpu'," jatlh ghaH "wej vIleghpu' qaStaHvIS bIQ." vaj juH hastened flora. chuH HuvHa' QongDaq 'ej archaeological ghaH nom QongDI', hibernate. tlha' po, puv porghDaj moH flora Qorwagh je crowed rooster "cock--doodle-doodle-doo! loS Rainbow Hom. bopummeH qul kitchen, je. vay'mo' chen vay' Dotlhmey 'ej downstairs flora. pa', bopummeH qul kitchen, ghaH yach Hom vItu'. jISaQ ghaH Hom ghom 'ej lan ghaH chaH box. ghoS ngem 'ej box mol DaSum DIS. vaj ba' mossy DaH DaSum DIS flora 'ej Hoch bom bom. "SaQ Qoy, Rainbow, rainbow. wej tem Dun vIneH. Data'laHchugh yIchegh rut, SuH, layerteS neH Sor! " law' wa'Hu' words bom echoed vegh DIS, pa' wepDaj woDDI' beside be'Hom qu Fairy Sor. online reading & math ghun vInID. 14 jaj tlhab trial. www.k5learning.com ro ivory. fringed por je pearls silver. chal gold 'ej wov colors sparkled naH Separ mu'mey rainbow. wa' jaj por Sorvo' "ngeng Fairy qeng poH tuj bI'reS SuS island latlh. pum 'oH "yISum ta'. thailand.picked ghaH 'ej mIw pong ghopDu' woDDI' qu por, jatlh "vaj not leS jIH until Sor vItu' mu'mey Ha' por. " toy'wI'pu' je sail puS HIjmeH ta'. archaeological island puH nuqDaq yIn Soch be'nI'. Hoch ma'rIch ta' loD je vegh ngem, QamtaH chaH fairy Sor HoSchoH legh entrance DIS. 'op por pick nID ta' 'ach laH ghaH wej. vaj ghogh be'Hom quv Qoy ghaH. bom ghaH. "yIjatlhQo' rainbow, Rainbow, jIHvaD wanHa'! branches, Sor Fairy " 'ej flora along grassy path DIS Dev 'e' pupqu'jaj. "'IH porgh, vaj por chal vo' Sor pagh laH pick SoH jatlh ta' vaj ta'be'. " Hoch chal, Sor, pick SIch flora 'eS bowed 'ej trembled Hoch por ghaH delight. porgh Dotlhmey Dan chal ta'. Hoch chal, ta' exclaimed tlhappu'DI', "SeH Fairy Sor SoH; bIghoSDI' be' 'IH che' je HItlhej. " ghob'e' naj ghaH 'ach chaH qaSDI', bIngvo' Qub flora branches Sor Fairy.
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